About Us

Ever since the company started nearly 30 years back, MARKETING is a major arm of the Company. Even though the company started with primary concentration on Material Testing Equipments, now It is also involved in marketing of  Microscopes, Image Analysis system, Profile Projectors, Video Profile Projectors, Soil Lab Equipments, Concrete & Highways Lab Equipments, Survey Lab Equipments, Environmental Lab Equipments, Structural Lab Equipments, Transportation Lab Equipments, Geo – technical Lab Equipments, Dynamics Lab Equipments, Metrology & Measurement Lab Equipments, Metallurgy Lab Equipments & consumables etc.. apart from Material Testing Equipments.The Customer base has grown enormously over the years. Now the company enjoys the confidence of more than 2000 prestigious customers. The Quality of the machines and the prompt AFTER SALES SERVICE have attracted many more customers who are with us for nearly 3 decades.

Our Sales & service division has more than 30 engineers together in Head Office at Chennai and Branch Offices at Coimbatore, Kerala ,Bangalore and Hyderabad. We market our products all over Southern India.

The main reason why Customers prefer HITECH INDIA EQUIPMENTS PVT LTD is because, we have marketing, Servicing & Calibration of machines , supply of Spares under one roof. Calibration of machines as per NABL norms by HITECH INDIA EQUIPMENTS PVT LTD is also an added advantage to Customer.

Our Service Division is a major cost centre of our Company. It consists of a team of senior Service Engineers with very high exposure in this field. All engineers have proven track record for solving any kind of problems in Material Testing Equipments. At present HIEPL enjoys the confidence of more than 2000 prestigious customers for whom AMC, Single time service, and Calibration of machines are undertaken.The customer base of the division spreads to Engineering Industries, Automobile Industries, Railways, Defence and Institutions.The service division personnel also have vast experience in upgrading analogue machines to digital machines. The Head office at Chennai and the Branch office at Coimbatore, Kerala ,Bangalore and Hyderabad have together a total of 25 engineers who travel to many parts of the country to cater to the needs of our valuable customers.

HIEPL carries out calibration of machines as per NABL norms as we are Accredited by NABL. Calibration of machines are also undertaken without NABL norms. Our Calibration Engineers have adequate knowledge to undertake calibration of machines in the presence of 3rd party witnessing agencies such as TUV,IBR.

Also we undertake supply of spares for material testing machines and civil lab equipments.